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[생활영어] I made a lot of money from real estate.

by 소소한기타 2021. 1. 9.

[생활영어] I made a lot of money from real estate.



I made a lot of money from real estate. : 난 부동산으로 많은 돈을 벌었어.





요즘에 특히나


부동산, 주식시장 이슈가





오늘은 그에 알맞는


표현들을 배워볼게요.







나 부동산으로 돈 많이 벌었어.


주식시장에서 돈을 하나도 벌지 못했어.


등등의 표현




He made a lot of money from real estate.


She made a lot of money from the stock market.


A friend of mine made some money from his YouTube channel.



I didn't make any money from real estate.


He didn't make any money from the stock market.





난 매달 몇일에 얼마를 받아.


난 어떤 일을 해서 돈을 받아.


와 같은 표현




I get paid on the 8th of every month.


I get paid on the 20th of every month.



I get paid for writing articles.


I get paid for making websites.


I get paid for working overtime.






네, 이번 포스팅은





감사합니다 :)







