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분류 전체보기44

[생활영어] I work as a marketing manager. [생활영어] I work as a marketing manager. 안녕하세요 이번 시간은 일에 관한 표현을 배워볼게요. 어떤 일을 하세요? 라고 질문을 받았을 때 쓸 수 있는 말들이에요 예문들을 볼까요? I work as a financial analyst. I work as a teacher. I work in finance. I work in marketing. I'm currently looking for work. I'm between jobs at the moment. 2021. 1. 29.
[생활영어] I usually commute by bus. The subway is always overcrowded. I rarely get to work on time. [생활영어] I usually commute by bus. The subway is always overcrowded. I rarely get to work on time. 안녕하세요 오늘은 일상표현을 배워볼게요. 아침에 보통 출근을 하거나 수업을 들으러 학교를 가거나 하죠? 익혀두면 좋은 표현들이 많아요. 한 번 예문들을 볼까요? I usually commute by subway. I usually commute by bus. I usually commute by car. The subway is always overcrowded. The tickets are always overpriced. A friend of mine is always overreacting. I rarely get to work.. 2021. 1. 29.
[생활영어] I'm in a rush. I have to hurry. [생활영어] I'm in a rush. I have to hurry. 안녕하세요 이번 시간에는 rush, hurry 표현을 익혀볼게요. 바로 예문을 볼까요? I'm always in a rush to put on my make up I'm always in a rush to get ready. I'm always in a hurry to eat breakfast. Most mornings, I have to rush to get ready. Most mornings, I have to rush to get dressed. Most days, I have to hurry to pu on my make up. Most mornings, I have to hurry to leave the house. 2021. 1. 29.
[생활영어] I set my alarm for 7 am. The alarm goes off at 7 am. I missed the alarm this morning. I slept through the alarm this morning. [생활영어] I set my alarm for 7 am. The alarm goes off at 7 am. I missed the alarm this morning. I slept through the alarm this morning. 안녕하세요 오늘은 알람 관련 영어표현을 배워볼게요. 먼저 I set my alarm for 7am : 난 7시에 알람을 맞춰놔. I set my alarm for 8am : 난 8시에 알람을 맞춰놔. 다음 표현 The alarm goes off at 7 am : 알람은 7시에 울려. The alarm goes off at 8 am : 알람은 8시에 울려. The alarm goes off on Mondays : 그 알람은 월요일마다 울려. 다음 표현 I missed th.. 2021. 1. 28.